HATHA YOGA for moms and dads


Mondays from 19:00 to 20:15 (even during school vacations)

Revitalize in our warm and cozy Hatha Yoga class designed for parents. Experience the perfect blend of breath and movement to unwind and navigate the demands of a high-paced parent’s life.

The class is designed for all levels and can be joined at any moment.

Prices :
Drop-in : CHF 35.- / Special intro offer (4 classes) : CHF 115.- / Set of 10 classes : CHF 315.- 
Familienclub members receive a 10% discount.

Course Leader:
Alexandra Girardeau is a certified yoga teacher (RYT®) and a mom residing in Erlenbach. Her journey with yoga has been a source of great support, helping her balance the demands of both office work and parenthood.

Inspired by her own experience, she became a teacher to help others discover the benefits of yoga and find balance in their lives.

Registration and information:
Xandra.yoga (instagram)

Mobile: +41 78 310 95 78